On Thu, Jul 02, 2020, Kolattukudy P. Santo wrote:
>I am a trying to model a compound with new atomtypes. I have prepared the
>frcmod file and a lib file using Xleap. But with new atom types it is
>giving me several errors.
We need to know details: just saying that is "giving me several
errors" doesn't provide much for us to go on.
>Is it really possible to define new atom types and create lib files using
You can create the lib files with LEaP, but you also need to use
addAtomTypes{} when you want to load these in, and well as to define the
masses for force field parameters (etc.) of the new types in a frcmod
file. Forgetting the addAtomTypes step is a common (and understandable)
omission, but I'm really guessing here. Look at the leaprc files in
$AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd for examples of the syntax that is needed.
....hope this helps....dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jul 02 2020 - 10:30:03 PDT