Hi Chris,
Your codes here seem a little bit old version. These pieces of codes are somehow complicated as I needed to handle two conditions of a special cuda compilation flag at the same time.
Could you make sure that you have the newest updates installed, re-configure and re-compile, and attach your error message?
Thanks a lot!
-----Original Message-----
From: David A Case [mailto:david.case.rutgers.edu]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 8:50 AM
To: AMBER Mailing List <amber.ambermd.org>
Cc: Dave Cerutti <dscerutti.gmail.com>; Taisung Lee <taisung.gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [AMBER] Amber18, tools19, cuda 10.2
On Wed, Apr 22, 2020, Christopher Benjamin Coffey wrote:
>I'm trying to build the gpu binaries for amber18, tools 19 with cuda
>10.2. I get the error below.
I don't see any error message in your post. But it does look like a conflict if GTI is defined (but I'm no C++ expert). cc-ing to some GPU gurus, in case they missed this post.
...thanks for the report...dac
Seems there is a conflict between
>simulationConst.h, and gti_global.cu. Can someone assist please? Thank
>---- simulationConst.h
>#include "base_simulationConst.h"
> #ifdef GTI
>#include "gti_simulationConst.h"
>typedef gti_simulationConst simulationConst;
> #else
>typedef base_simulationConst simulationConst;
> #endif
>extern __constant__ simulationConst cSim;
>#endif /* _CUDA_SIMULATION */
>---- gti_global.h
>#include "copyright.i"
>//Place to hold globally accessible variables
>#include "simulationConst.h"
>__constant__ simulationConst cSim;
>Christopher Coffey
>High-Performance Computing
>Northern Arizona University
>AMBER mailing list
David A. Case | david.case.rutgers.edu
Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology |
Rutgers University | office: +1-848-445-5885
174 Frelinghuysen Road, Rm. 208b | cell: +1-609-751-8668
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA | web: casegroup.rutgers.edu
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 23 2020 - 07:30:02 PDT