Hello Pinky,
I'm not sure if you will receive the feedback that you are looking for
from your emails. We have given you some guidance in previous answers about
how to learn about using Amber (i.e. Leap, carbohydrates model building) so
that you can problem solve your issues. There is not an generic/easy answer
to your general requests. For the bio systems that you are interested in
(i.e. lignins will likely require creating new Amber residues), you have to
become VERY familiar with how Amber works by doing tutorials and by reading
the manual. As a beginner, this can be very challenging, especially if you
don't have someone local who can mentor you through the process. I would
strongly recommend finding a mentor at your institute that is an expert in
molecular dynamics modeling to help guide you.
Best regards,
On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 9:21 AM Pinky Mazumder <pmazumder67.gmail.com>
> Dear AMBER Users,
> Could you please tell me how to build the chain of lignin?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Pinky
> --
> Pinky
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Received on Sat Apr 11 2020 - 01:30:01 PDT