[AMBER] AMBER 18 cuda installation: error: redefinition of ‘simulationConst cSim’

From: Sapna Shedge <sapnavshedge.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 10:58:23 -0700

I am trying to do amber18 installation with Cuda-9.0

I am getting following error

*gti_global.cu:7:24:* *error: *redefinition of ‘*simulationConst cSim*’

 __constant__ simulationConst cSim;

* ^*

*simulationConst.h:12:24:* *error: *‘*simulationConst cSim*’ previously
declared here

 extern __constant__ simulationConst cSim;

* ^*

make[5]: *** [gti_global.o] Error 1

make[5]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

I saw that one person also got the same error and he was asked to provide
content of simulationConst.h file. Here is content of this file



#include "base_simulationConst.h"

    #ifdef GTI

#include "gti_simulationConst.h"

typedef gti_simulationConst simulationConst;


typedef base_simulationConst simulationConst;


extern __constant__ simulationConst cSim;

#endif /* _CUDA_SIMULATION */

Any help in this regards will be very useful.

Thank you!
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Received on Thu Apr 02 2020 - 11:00:02 PDT
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