Dear Amber Users,
I performed an angle analysis between two dimer interface defined as any
pair of Cα atoms (example system below)
[image: image.png]
I performed this analysis with four different systems.
Since the systems investigated are rotated to the right and rotated to the
left I was expecting as output (a) positive and (b) negative angles (*i.e.*
for example + 25-30 degrees for right hand and - 25-30 for left hand
Do you have any idea why the value received as output is always positive?
Thank you for the help!
The command line used was:
#Add Modules, etc etc
module load amber/16.at17
# load prmtop and trajectory
parm crystal_3FBV_ion_ok.prmtop
trajin reeim.xtc
#analysis with residue at the interface identify by using Chimera (i.e.
using select > ZONE)
rms first :1-1687.CA
vector A corrplane
vector B corrplane
vectormath vec1 A vec2 B dotangle out angle_tetramer_YEAST_1.dat
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Received on Tue Mar 24 2020 - 06:00:02 PDT