[AMBER] HTTP Error 500 - download

From: Mattia Pini <Mattia.Pini.iit.it>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 08:16:59 +0000

Dear All,

I am trying to install AmberTools19 (binary distro).

I am following the guide:

https://ambermd.org/doc12/Amber19.pdf (page 26).

I have downloaded the script:


Then I run it using the following command line:

bash install_ambertools.sh -v 3 --prefix /opt --non-conda

I got an HTTP 500 error.

Here you may find the install_ambertools.sh output:

>> prefix=/opt

>> install_python=False

>> Install AmberTools with user's Python

>> --2019-11-28 08:53:06-- http://ambermd.org/cgi-bin/AmberTools18-binary-get.pl?Name=bot&Institution=NA&City=NA&State=NA&Country=NA&OS=linux-64

>> Resolving ambermd.org (ambermd.org)...

>> Connecting to ambermd.org (ambermd.org)||:80... connected.

>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error

>> 2019-11-28 08:53:06 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks for the support


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Received on Fri Nov 29 2019 - 00:30:02 PST
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