Hello Amber users,
I am trying to parametrize a Heme group using MCPB.py and I have obtained this error in step 3 of the parametrization procedures. It will be appreciated if anyone could help me addressing this issue. Thanks
*======================RESP Charge fitting=======================*
* *
***Generating the 1st stage resp charge fitting input file...
***Generating the 2nd stage resp charge fitting input file...
***Doing the RESP charge fiting...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cvmfs/restricted.computecanada.ca/easybuild/software/2017/avx2/MPI/gcc5.4/cuda/MCPB.py", line 684, in <module>
premol2fs, mcresname, 1, chgfix_resids, g0x, lgchg)
File "/cvmfs/restricted.computecanada.ca/easybuild/software/2017/avx2/MPI/gcc5.4/cuda/python3.6/site-packages/pymsmt/mcpb/resp_fitting.py", line 441, in resp_fitting
get_esp_from_gau(mklogf, espf)
File "/cvmfs/restricted.computecanada.ca/easybuild/software/2017/avx2/MPI/gcc5.4/cuda/python3.6/site-packages/pymsmt/mol/gauio.py", line 694, in get_esp_from_gau
raise pymsmtError("The length of coordinates and ESP charges are different!")
pymsmt.exp.pymsmtError: The length of coordinates and ESP charges are different!
Mohamed M. Aboelnga, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre for Research in Molecular Modeling (CERMM)
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Nov 19 2019 - 09:30:02 PST