Re: [AMBER] AMBER18/16 12-6-4LJ Sander TI problem

From: Pengfei Li <>
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 21:13:15 -0500

Hi Paulius,

I have received the email and will get back to you later. I have attached in this email the corrected version for the following four files:

(1) frcmod.ions234lm_hfe_tip3p

(2) frcmod.ions234lm_iod_tip3p

(3) frcmod.ions234lm_126_tip3p

(4) frcmod.ions234lm_hfe_tip4pew

Please use them to replace the old files. This also applies to other users who are using AMBER 2016-2019.

Thanks again for finding the errors!

Yours sincerely,

> On Nov 16, 2019, at 6:20 AM, Paulius Kantakevicius <> wrote:
> Hi Pengfei,
> Thank you for your response! I sent out .inpcrd and .prmtop files as you
> asked to <>.
> Regards,
> Paulius
> On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 1:32 AM Pengfei Li < <>>
> wrote:
>> Hi Paulius,
>> Thanks for your email.
>>> On Nov 12, 2019, at 5:58 AM, Paulius Kantakevicius <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I experienced problems to reproduce the HFE values of 2+ and 3+ ions
>> cited
>>> in papers (
>>> using 12-6-4LJ
>>> potentials on AMBER18 and AMBER16. I am using Sander engine and I added
>> the
>>> C4 terms using Parmed from AmberTools19, however the desolvation energy
>>> values I obtained are off: Ca2+ I obtained desolvation energy of 348.9
>>> kcal/mol (350.1 from charge removal and -2.2 from VdW removal) -
>>> experimental is 359.7 kcal/mol, whereas for Mg2+ I got 410.7 kcal/mol
>>> (412.8 from charge removal and -2.1 from VdW removal) - experimental is
>>> 437.4 kcal/mol. I tried running Y3+ ion as well, for which I obtained
>> 788.2
>>> kcal/mol whereas experimental value is 824.6 kcal/mol.
>> Can you send these input prmtop and inpcrd files (after adding C4 terms)
>> to my email: <> < <>>?
>> I can help to do a check.
>>> I tried running Ca2+ ion without adding C4 term and I got HFE values
>>> further from experimental ~337 kcal/mol indicating that Sander uses C4
>> term
>>> in TI calculations.
>>> Then I tried running Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions using different set of parameters
>>> from older paper ( that were
>>> made for 12-6LJ (frcmod.ions234lm_hfe_tip3p) and have to reproduce HFE
>>> values accurately but coordination numbers and IODs with errors to see
>>> whether they will produce accurate HFE values. And they indeed produced
>>> values, which were very close to experimental values: 360.4 kcal/mol for
>>> Ca2+ and 437.5 kcal/mol. Therefore, I suspect that there is an issue in
>>> AMBER16 and AMBER18 in implementation of C4 term in TI calculations for
>>> Sander engine.
>>> Also, I noticed that some 12-6LJ parameter files in AmberTools19 contain
>>> wrong parameters:
>>> in frcmod.ions234lm_hfe_tip3p file for 3+ and 4+ ions instead of HFE
>> values
>>> from the paper IOD values are
>>> entered instead and in frcmod.ions234lm_iod_tip3p file for 3+ and 4+ ions
>>> instead of IOD values 12-6-4LJ values are shown instead.
>> I checked the parameter files, you are right.
>> I apologize for these stupid mistakes, and thank you very much for finding
>> them! I checked the git log and found these mistakes were made when I
>> merged the parameter files in 2016: the parameters in AMBER 2015 were
>> correct for the +3 and +4 ions, but afterwards the following parameter
>> files were messed up because of my stupid mistakes:
>> (1) the file frcmod.ions234lm_hfe_tip3p should have HFE parameter set, but
>> has IOD parameter set for the +3 and +4 ions in the TIP3P water model
>> (2) the file frcmod.ions234lm_iod_tip3p should have IOD parameter set, but
>> has 12-6-4 parameter set for the +3 and +4 ions in the TIP3P water model,
>> note that only the Rmin/2 and epsilon parameters in the file, while the C4
>> terms are still need to be added by the ParmEd program.
>> (3) the file frcmod.ions234lm_126_tip3p should have IOD parameter set, but
>> has 12-6-4 parameter set for the +3 and +4 ions in the TIP3P water model,
>> note that only the Rmin/2 and epsilon parameters in the file, while the C4
>> terms are still need to be added by the ParmEd program.
>> (4) the file frcmod.ions234lm_hfe_tip4pew should have HFE parameter set,
>> but has IOD parameter for the +3 and +4 ions in TIP4PEW water model
>> It seems the other parameter files about +3 and +4 ions are fine. The
>> fortunate part out of all the misfortunes is that the VDW parameters in the
>> IOD and 12-6-4 parameter sets are not too far away from each other (Rmin/2
>> usually within 0.1 Angstrom with each other), and the HFE parameters for +3
>> and +4 are usually not used in MD simulations because their big errors for
>> simulating the structural properties like IOD.
>> I am very sorry for any inconveniences these mistakes brought to the
>> community… I will create a git commit to correct these mistakes later this
>> week.
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Pengfei
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Received on Sat Nov 16 2019 - 18:30:02 PST
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