[AMBER] Modification of gaff

From: 조준범 <j1300704.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:02:10 +0900

Hi, all.

I want to modify gaff but I have some problem with dihedral coefficients.
My reference uses several barrier coefficients for each dihedral type, then
how can I match it with the format of gaff?

[image: image.png]
*Junbeom Cho*
Integrated Ph. D. Student
Theoretical and Computational Soft Matters Laboratory
School of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Seoul National University
1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 08826, Korea
Tel: +82-2-880-1529
E-mail: cjb0704.snu.ac.kr

AMBER mailing list

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Received on Tue Nov 12 2019 - 19:30:02 PST
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