Re: [AMBER] Problem with mol2 file generated by Antechamber

From: Alessandro LANDI <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 16:24:24 +0200

Dear prof. Case and all,
I am using AmberTools 1.4. I thank you very much for your suggestion, and I
tried removing sodium atoms. In this way the LeaP computations end fine.

However, I still got some warnings in the frcmod file (attached), and
moreover the subsequent Sander minimization eventually fails (I got the
following error: "REPEATED LINMIN FAILURE").

I have tried to fix this error in several ways, and I may have found a
solution, as reported at the link
However, to follow that procedure, I need to read from two separate files
the geometry and the charges in LeaP. I have tried to do so by resorting to
"loadamberprep" command in LeaP.

The step-by-step methodology I have followed is:

1) Generating the DNA sequence using 3DNA (In this way I have the file

2) Converting the PDB file and performing a Gaussian calculation, using the
standard command line
        #p HF/6-31G* Pop=MK IOp(6/33=2,6/41=10,6/42=17)
 (In this way I have the file "g09.out")

3) Converting the Gaussian output (file g09.out) to prep format with
Antechamber, using the command line
       antechamber -fi gout -fo prepi -c resp -i g09.out -o -rn RES
-at amber -pf y

4) Loading the geometry from the pdb file and the charges from prep file in
LeaP, using the following lines in the input file ""

     source leaprc.ff99SB
     dna = loadpdb file.pdb
     saveamberparm dna chrg.prmtop chrg.inpcrd

5) Performing the Sander minimization step, using the following line in the
input file:

      imin = 1,
      maxcyc = 1000,
      ncyc = 50,
      ntb = 0,
      igb = 1,
      cut = 16.0,
     &end /

The computations end fine, but I noticed that in the "chrg.prmtop" file I
get the same charges either including the command "loadamberprep" in
the file "" or not. So I think I am doing something wrong.

Thus my question is: is it actually possible in LeaP to read the geometry
and the charges from two separate files? How should I operate?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

Il giorno sab 15 giu 2019 alle ore 14:54 David Case <>
ha scritto:

> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019, Alessandro LANDI wrote:
> >
> >After generating a pdb for a short DNA sequence (say GTG) with the
> 'fiber'
> >command of 3DNA, I used Molden to convert it to xyz format and to add the
> >missing hydrogens. Then I have added Na+ ions to achieve neutrality and
> What version of AmberTools are you using. Recent versions should(?)
> complain that antchamber is for organic molecules only, and doesn't
> handle Na+ ions. The RESP charges for standard nucleotides were
> generated from anions, not constructs neutralize with Na+, so that
> might be the best way to proceed.
> >
> >"Na 0.000 0.000 ATTN, need revision"
> >"h5-na-cc-nd 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
> >value"
> Clearly antechamber has gone wrong here, thinking that sodium has
> chemical bonds to other atoms. So, try removing your sodium ions.
> ...good luck...dac
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