Dear All,
I am new and apologise if my question is unwarrented.
I am doing the Leap tutorial at
The command "source leaprc.protein.ff14SB" gives the following error:
"bash: leaprc.protein.ff14SB: No such file or directory"
The previous command worked: " pdb4amber -i 1FSC.pdb -o 1FSB_amb.pdb --
dry --reduce"
I have Amber 18 installed on Ubuntu 19.04 with Ambertools 19. The test
command gave 3 minor errors with the 8 threats option (after parallel
install). My Amber home directory is: /home/gert/amber18
I created a "tutorial" subdirectory under "amber18" where the tutorial
files are.
I see the same command (source leaprc.protein.ff14SB) appears on page
33 of the Amber19 manual, so the forcefield appears to be current?
I did not find the same error in the archives of the Amber Email list.
Saw a previous error for "leaprc.ff14SB", but that does not seem to
help me?
You kind help will be much appreciated!
Gert Kruger
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jun 13 2019 - 23:30:02 PDT