Dear users,
I am currently working on clustering analysis of several MD with a system
with 600 aminoacids for 200 ns simulations.
I have plotted the kdist plots for kdist 1 to 10 and from this results
obtained I use the following input:
cluster C0 dbscan minpoints 4 epsilon 1 sievetoframe rms :1-279 sieve 10 \
out dbscan_clust/cnumvtime.dat sil Sil \
summary dbscan_clust/summary.dat info dbscan_clust/info.dat \
cpopvtime dbscan_clust/cpopvtime.agr normframe repout
dbscan_clust/rep repfmt pdb \
singlerepout dbscan_clust/ singlerepfmt netcdf avgout
Avg avgfmt restart
clear all
The clustering runs OK with no noticeable problems. However, it has me
intrigued to see that unlike all other clustering plots I have seen
(clusters starting at 1), the clusters on this one start from cero. I fail
to find a reason for this behaviour. Find a picture of the pop vs frame I
get at the bottom of this message.
I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me solve this problem
Thank you in advance,
Daniel Fernández
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jun 13 2019 - 10:30:03 PDT