On the server:
ForwardX11 yes
X11Forwarding yes
You might need to restart the X server for settings to take effect, not sure here.
On your local mac, I assume you have installed XQuartz, otherwise this is necessary
For openGL over X support (like using VMD) on macOS with XQuartz you now need to issue the following:
$ defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
However this is not be needed to just view leap x-window over SSH.
If you can connect using SSH without X you should be able to forward without problems from a firewall, I have yet encountered these problems anyway as the traffic should be passed over SSH.
Best regards
// Gustaf
> On 27 Apr 2019, at 23:49, Yin, Guowei <guowei_yin.med.unc.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using ssh to use Amber on the remote server and got the DISPLAY problem to run the xleap. I tried to modify the X11_Forwarding in sshd_config file in my local Mac, it doesn't help. Can anybody share the experience to fix this?
> Also would be possible to run the script by Xleap without opening the graphic interface?
> Thank you,
> Guowei
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Received on Sun Apr 28 2019 - 06:00:03 PDT