You could try "ssh -X" (or "ssh -Y"), and see if that helps.
Alternatively if there is some ssh restrictions on the server but if
your Mac has an hostname/IP address that the remote server can connect,
then you could try setting DISPLAY environment before running xleap:
>setenv DISPLAY Your Mac hostname OR IP address:0.0
(where 0.0 is your Mac's X session display number)
For running Leap without X (graphical) interface use tleap:
>$AMBERHOME/bin/tleap -f sourcefile -f script
PS: The performance of an X application can considerably deteriorate
over remote networks.
Pratul K. Agarwal, Ph.D.
(Editorial Board Member: PLoS ONE, Microbial Cell Factories)
On 4/27/2019 5:49 PM, Yin, Guowei wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using ssh to use Amber on the remote server and got the DISPLAY problem to run the xleap. I tried to modify the X11_Forwarding in sshd_config file in my local Mac, it doesn't help. Can anybody share the experience to fix this?
> Also would be possible to run the script by Xleap without opening the graphic interface?
> Thank you,
> Guowei
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Received on Sat Apr 27 2019 - 16:30:02 PDT