[AMBER] Problems in setting parameters for the modified nucleotide

From: Xiaoting Mao <cos_mopolitan.163.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2019 21:08:43 +0800 (CST)

Dear all,

I have a non standard residue where adenosine has been modified to N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine. I combine ESP of two molecules(DMP and modified nucleoside) to calculate the point charges of the modified nucleotide.I set inter-molecular charge constraints between the two Dimethylphosphate methyl atoms and the HO3' and HO5' hydroxyl atoms of a nucleoside. But I find that the charge of these six atoms after RESP2 fit is not zero. So when I build the central fragment of a modified nucleotide, the sum of charge is not integral. Another problem is that the connect is wrong. I have no idea how to solve these problems.

    6 0.000000
    1 6 1 8 1 9 1 10 2 21 2 34
    6 0.000000
    1 7 1 11 1 12 1 13 2 22 2 36

          Point Charges Before & After Optimization
    no. At.no. q(init) q(opt) ivary d(rstr)/dq
    6 6 0.280463 0.280463 -1 0.003358
    7 6 0.204837 0.204837 -1 0.004387
    8 1 -0.036422 -0.036422 -1 0.000000
    9 1 -0.004260 -0.004260 -1 0.000000
   10 1 -0.026177 -0.026177 -1 0.000000
   11 1 -0.004571 -0.004571 -1 0.000000
   12 1 0.015549 0.015549 -1 0.000000
   13 1 -0.020119 -0.020119 -1 0.000000

   21 8 -0.682595 -0.682595 -1 0.001450
   22 8 -0.588242 -0.588242 -1 0.001676
   34 1 0.445782 0.445782 -1 0.000000
   49 1 0.392933 0.392933 -1 0.000000

Joining U5 - U
Joining U - A
Joining A - C
Joining C - U
Joining U - U
Joining U - U
Joining U - G
Joining G - A
Joining A - U
One sided connection. Residue: default_name missing connect0 atom.
One sided connection. Residue: default_name missing connect1 atom.
Joining G - A
Joining A - G
Joining G - U
Joining U - A
Joining A - A3

ERROR: The unperturbed charge of the unit: -17.111177 is not integral.
WARNING: The unperturbed charge of the unit: -17.111177 is not zero.

Thank you in advance,
Xiaoting Mao
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 12 2019 - 06:30:05 PDT
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