Re: [AMBER] location related redox-potential?

From: Cruzeiro,Vinicius Wilian D <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 23:31:36 +0000

Hello Feng,

I would be glad to clarify that. I am a little confused with what you have in mind though: the redox potential is an external property from the system's point of view, so what exactly do you mean by "redox potential at different locations"? Could you explain what kind of applications you have in mind? It might be easier to understand this way.

Please see if this answers your question: the redox potential is proportional to the logarithm of the concentration of electrons in solution (see more details at ). In our implementation this concentration is assumed to be uniform, however, the user can perform multiple simulations at different values of redox potential.

I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any questions further,
All the best,

Vinícius Wilian D. Cruzeiro

PhD Candidate
Department of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Division
University of Florida, United States

Voice: +1(352)846-1633

From: Feng, Zimin <>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 12:15 PM
To: Cruzeiro,Vinicius Wilian D
Cc: AMBER Mailing List
Subject: location related redox-potential?

Hello Vinícius,

Would it be straightforward to program the CEMD so that we could have different redox potential at different locations?

I saw the x: global position array was passed to cnsteinit but wasn’t used.



Zimin Feng


Centre d’excellence en électrification des transports et stockage d’énergie

1806, boul. Lionel-Boulet

Varennes | Québec | J3X 1S1

Tél.: 450 652-8499 poste 2239

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Received on Fri Apr 05 2019 - 17:00:02 PDT
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