What format is 'mol.coord'? Does it contain box info? No periodicity
would lead to the RDF decaying to 0.0. If not, can you please post
your complete cpptraj output? Thanks.
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:11 AM <diego.soler.uam.es> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to extract a Radial Distribution Function (RDF) from a
> simulation. My topology and parameter file is mol.prmtop, and my
> coordinate file is mol.coord. The system is basically a DNA with a lot
> of waters around. I want to compute the RDF of waters with respect to
> a particular atom, atom number 179. I am using this script:
> parm mol.prmtop
> trajin mol.coord
> radial RDF 0.1 100 :WAT .179
> and running it with "cpptraj -i cpptraj.in". But the result looks
> very weird, because the RDF goes to zero instead of going to one, so I
> guess I am doing something wrong, but I cannot fix it.
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Diego
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Received on Wed Nov 14 2018 - 16:00:03 PST