[AMBER] Generating topologies with antechamber and acpype

From: neelam wafa <neelam.wafa.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 14:37:16 +0500

Please need help . Can anyone suggest a solution to my problem.
I am using acpype with ambertools 18 to generate topologies. When i run the
following command, i get an error as given

$ ../acpype.py -di H16.mol2 -c gas

/home/dr/Downloads/amber18/bin/to_be_dispatched/antechamber: Fatal Error!
Weird atomic valence (3) for atom (ID: 2, Name: C1).

       Possible open valence.
ACPYPE FAILED: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'tmp'
  File "../acpype.py", line 3704, in <module>
  File "../acpype.py", line 3392, in __init__
  File "../acpype.py", line 910, in setResNameCheckCoords
Total time of execution: less than a second

And if I use this command
Acpype -i ligand.mol2 -c gas
I get errno2 No such file or directory: 'tmp
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Received on Wed Nov 07 2018 - 02:00:01 PST
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