What GPU/CUDA version?
On 11/4/18 11:10 PM, M RCC wrote:
> Dear Amber Users,
> My aMD calculation stopped after 95ns, with the following error
> "*cudaMemcpy GpuBuffer::Download failed an illegal memory access was *
> *encountered*"
> My simulation system contains protein 300aa + Inhibitor + 4 zinc atoms.
> I used cationic dummy atom approach to fix the zinc atoms.
> while setting the threshold value for aMD, I have included all atoms
> including zinc atoms.
> for setting the dihedral threshold also I have counted zinc atoms as
> residues since the dummy atom approach used.
> Simulation stopped with this error. But there is no error description was
> found in the log (.out) file.
> Is the error is due to the zinc atoms?
> How do I rectify this error?
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Received on Mon Nov 05 2018 - 00:30:02 PST