[AMBER] max# cpu's for sander, specify which gpu runs a job

From: David Christopher Schröder <dschroeder.uni-bielefeld.de>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2018 18:40:56 +0200

Dear amber users,


I am quite new to amber (version16 used) and unix in general, it would be great to get an answer to the following questions.

I am running calcs on a cluster. Up to now I used for sander MPI parallelisable jobs 32 cpu’s. However no real cpu’s since they are up

to 4 times overbooked. Today one calculation took 10 times longer then normal. However support asked me if I wanted to have more

cpu’s – so my question is up to which point does it make sense to enlarge the number of cpu’s. My system contains peptidomimetic with 12 residues


Furthermore I run on 1 GPU all pmemd calcs. However I was asked whether I want to have another GPU to finish the project earlier.


I read online:

Support is provided for single GPU and multiple GPU runs. Employing multiple GPUs in a single simulation requires MPI and the pmemd.cuda.MPI executable.

If you have multiple simulations to run then the recommended method is to use one GPU per job.


So I want to run 2 jobs in parallel, do I need to specify for each job which GPU to be addressed, or is pmemd by default taking non useds GPU’s first?


In the mailing list I found: http://archive.ambermd.org/201706/0234.html

However as a newbie I don’t understand everything here.


Thanks for explaining me,


Best regards,


AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Aug 07 2018 - 10:00:02 PDT
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