On Mon, Aug 06, 2018, Anuja Ware wrote:
> I am new to AMBER. I was trying to generate a .lib file (parameters) for a
> non-standard residue, ubiquinone. I have downloaded crystal
> structure pdb of it. I have optimized it adding H (with gaussian), derived
> RESP charges and then generated .prepi and .frcmod files using
> antechamber. I have also generated a .lib file of optimized structure. My
> problem is that whenever I load .lib file, tleap generates .prmtop and
> .inpcrd files for the pdb which is optimized with Gaussian. But whenever I
> tried to load the crystal structure pdb the .lib file parameters are not
> matching with it and it gives errors and warnings. Can u just suggest
> where I m going wrong?
There is probably some naming mismatch between the crystal PDB and the
.lib file, but that is just a guess. Just a report saying that "it
[tleap?] gives errors and warnings" does not give enough information to
allow others to help. Can you give more details, including the *exact*
error messages you are getting? And check to see that the residue and
atom names in the .lib file match those in the PDB file.
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Aug 06 2018 - 05:30:05 PDT