Re: [AMBER] nativecontacts command in CPPTRAJ

From: Ruth Helena Tichauer <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 15:25:33 +0200

Dear Amber developers,

I’ve been trying to use the nativecontacts command without success so I’m posting again the question I’d asked few days ago.

I’ve used the following input file:

#Load topology and trajectories
parm ../../native2.parm
trajin ../../
reference ../../../../2/Neutralized/nat2_md-qm_0.pdb

#Native contacts analysis
nativecontacts name nat2-0_NC noimage distance 8.0 :179&!.CA,C,O,N,H \
byresidue resoffset 4 out nat2-0_NC-179.nb \
writecontacts nat2-0_NC-179.out \
resout nat2-0_NC-179.resout \
series seriesout nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t \
map mapout nat2-0_NC-179 \

And I’ve got the following messages when executing.

CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V16.16
    ___ ___ ___ ___
     | \/ | \/ | \/ |

| Date/time: 05/22/18 15:00:43
| Available memory: 133.280 MB

INPUT: Reading input from ''
  [parm ../../native2.parm]
        Reading '../../native2.parm' as Amber Topology
  [trajin ../../]
        Reading '../../' as Amber NetCDF
  [reference ../../../../2/Neutralized/nat2_md-qm_0.pdb]
        Reading '../../../../2/Neutralized/nat2_md-qm_0.pdb' as PDB
        Read CRYST1 info from PDB: a=62.134 b=62.134 c=62.134 alpha=109.47 beta=109.47 gamma=109.47
Warning: Low precision truncated octahedron angles detected (109.47 vs 109.471).
Warning: If desired, the 'box' command can be used during processing
Warning: to set higher-precision angles.
        Read CRYST1 info from PDB: a=62.134 b=62.134 c=62.134 alpha=109.47 beta=109.47 gamma=109.47
        Setting active reference for distance-based masks: 'nat2_md-qm_0.pdb'
  [nativecontacts name nat2-0_NC noimage distance 8.0 :179&!.CA,C,O,N,H byresidue resoffset 4 out nat2-0_NC-179.nb writecontacts nat2-0_NC-179.out resout nat2-0_NC-179.resout series seriesout nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t map mapout nat2-0_NC-179 ]
Warning: No reference structure specified. Defaulting to first.
    NATIVECONTACTS: Mask1=':179&!.CA,C,O,N,H', contacts set up based on first frame.
        Contacts will be ignored for residues spaced < 5 apart.
        Map will be printed by residue.
        Distance cutoff is 8 Angstroms, imaging is off.
        Mask selection will not include solvent.
        Data set name: nat2-0_NC
        Output to 'nat2-0_NC-179.nb'
        Contact stats will be written to 'nat2-0_NC-179.out'
        Contact res pairs will be written to 'nat2-0_NC-179.resout'
        Native contacts map will be saved as set 'nat2-0_NC[nativemap]'
        Non-native contacts map will be saved as set 'nat2-0_NC[nonnatmap]'
        Native map output to 'native.nat2-0_NC-179'
        Native map output to 'nonnative.nat2-0_NC-179'
        Saving native contact time series nat2-0_NC[NC].
        Writing native contact time series to nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t
---------- RUN BEGIN -------------------------------------------------

 0: native2.parm, 15564 atoms, 4403 res, box: Trunc. Oct., 4222 mol, 4204 solvent

 0: '' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory, Parm native2.parm (Trunc. Oct. box) (reading 250 of 250)
  Coordinate processing will occur on 250 frames.

    0: nat2_md-qm_0.pdb:1
        Active reference frame for distance-based masks is 'nat2_md-qm_0.pdb:1'

ACTION SETUP FOR PARM 'native2.parm' (1 actions):
  0: [nativecontacts name nat2-0_NC noimage distance 8.0 :179&!.CA,C,O,N,H byresidue resoffset 4 out nat2-0_NC-179.nb writecontacts nat2-0_NC-179.out resout nat2-0_NC-179.resout series seriesout nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t map mapout nat2-0_NC-179 ]
        Mask [:179&!.CA,C,O,N,H] corresponds to 19 atoms.
        19 potential contact sites for ':179&!.CA,C,O,N,H'
        Imaging disabled.
----- (1-250, 1) -----
        Using first frame to determine native contacts.
        Mask [:179&!.CA,C,O,N,H] corresponds to 19 atoms.
        Setup 0 native contacts:
 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Complete.

Read 250 frames and processed 250 frames.
TIME: Avg. throughput= 280.6192 frames / second.

    CONTACTS: nat2-0_NC: Writing native contacts to file 'nat2-0_NC-179.out'

DATASETS (4 total):
        nat2-0_NC[native] "nat2-0_NC[native]" (integer), size is 250
        nat2-0_NC[nonnative] "nat2-0_NC[nonnative]" (integer), size is 250
        nat2-0_NC[nativemap] "nat2-0_NC[nativemap]" (double matrix), size is 1
        nat2-0_NC[nonnatmap] "nat2-0_NC[nonnatmap]" (double matrix), size is 1

DATAFILES (6 total):
  nat2-0_NC-179.nb (Standard Data File): nat2-0_NC[native] nat2-0_NC[nonnative]
  nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t (Standard Data File):
  native.nat2-0_NC-179 (Standard Data File): nat2-0_NC[nativemap]
  nonnative.nat2-0_NC-179 (Standard Data File): nat2-0_NC[nonnatmap]
  nat2-0_NC-179.out (Native Contacts)
  nat2-0_NC-179.resout (Contact Res Pairs)
Warning: File 'nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t' has no sets containing data.

TIME: Init : 0.0001 s ( 0.01%)
TIME: Trajectory Process : 0.8909 s ( 95.14%)
TIME: Action Post : 0.0296 s ( 3.16%)
TIME: Analysis : 0.0000 s ( 0.00%)
TIME: Data File Write : 0.0158 s ( 1.69%)
TIME: Other : 0.0001 s ( 0.00%)
TIME: Run Total 0.9364 s
---------- RUN END ---------------------------------------------------
TIME: Total execution time: 1.3700 seconds.
To cite CPPTRAJ use:
Daniel R. Roe and Thomas E. Cheatham, III, "PTRAJ and CPPTRAJ: Software for
  Processing and Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Data". J. Chem.
  Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (7), pp 3084-3095.

Prior, I used the cat linux command to append several trajectories into a single one, but instead of getting a trajectory containing around 5000 frames I get one with 250 frames only, which corresponds to a single portion of my simulation.. This is the exact command in case you could help me spot a mistake:

cat ../../2/Neutralized/ >

When I visualise the reference structure, several atoms from a ligand which is numbered 169, are within the cutoff distance I have chosen, yet as you can see, the files I get are empty for both native and nonnative contacts (see attachments).. I don’t know wether:

-How to change my input file in order to get the by residue native contacts present in the initial structure, given as a reference, and then show that these native contacts are lost and others are formed (non native contacts become native contacts).

-I’m misunderstanding the functionality of this command.

Please help me correct my input file to obtain the desired results (if possible).

Thanks in advance,



> On 6 May 2018, at 18:26, Sowmya Indrakumar <> wrote:
> Hey Ruth,
> Yes, you can include the reference as anything you mention, sorry I forgot to mention it in my previous email. if you don't want to re-image your coordinates, you can avoid this.
> Just add the reference flag in the contact command after having defined what the reference structure is.
> Also refer to page 600 ( for more info. about the same.
> I hope this helps,
> Regards
> Sowmya
> ________________________________
> From: Ruth Helena Tichauer <>
> Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2018 5:58:09 PM
> To: AMBER Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [AMBER] nativecontacts command in CPPTRAJ
> Dear Sowmya,
> Thank you for your suggestion.
> However, I didn’t “wrap” the coordinates so, if I understand correct, I don’t need to do autoimage, right? Also, I wish to take as a reference the structure I load as a reference rather than the first frame.. Could modifications include these features?
> Thank you,
> Ruth
>> On 6 May 2018, at 17:13, Sowmya Indrakumar <> wrote:
>> Hey Ruth,
>> You may want to try this, this works fine for me:
>> parm file.parm7
>> trajin
>> autoimage
>> strip :WAT #optional
>> reference min.rst7
>> nativecontacts :179&!.CA,C,O,N,H writecontacts nativecontacts.dat resout res noimage distance 8.0 out contacts.out first resoffset 4 contactpdb contacts.pdb byresidue map mapout gnu series seriesout nativeseries.dat
>> Regards
>> Sowmya
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ruth Helena Tichauer <>
>> Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2018 12:31:06 PM
>> To: AMBER Mailing List
>> Subject: [AMBER] nativecontacts command in CPPTRAJ
>> Dear Amber users and developers,
>> I’ve run QM/MM simulations of a protein with its ligand.
>> While visualising the obtained trajectories, I’ve noticed that a given residue (179) engages in different interactions in the initial structure and during the production phase. To depict this structural rearrangements, I wanted to use the nativecontacts command from CPPTRAJ in a manner that it would calculate the by residue native contacts present in the initial structure, given as a reference, and then show that these native contacts are lost and others are formed (non native contacts become native contacts) using the following input file:
>> #Load topology and trajectories
>> parm ../native2.parm
>> trajin ../
>> reference ../../../2/Neutralized/nat2_md-qm_0.pdb parm ../native2.parm
>> #Native contacts analysis
>> nativecontacts :179&!.CA,C,O,N,H \
>> byresidue resoffset 4 out nat2-0_NC-179.nb \
>> noimage distance 8.0 reference \
>> writecontacts nat2-0_NC-179.out \
>> resout nat2-0_NC-179.resout \
>> series seriesout nat2-0_NC-179.nc_vs_t \
>> map mapout nat2-0_NC-179 \
>> Nevertheless I get empty files.. As it is the first time I’m using this command, I suspect there are some errors in it, please help me correct it in order to get the information I wish (native contacts vs time, non native contacts vs time, strength of contacts made, lasting native contacts..).
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Ruth
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