On Mon, Apr 16, 2018, Kadir Ozcan wrote:
> export CUDA_HOME=/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-9.0
Be sure you have installed updates at least up to update.8 for
AmberTools17: that is required for CUDA 9.0. (I'm guessing you have
done this, since I think you would have seen a different error message;
but it is best to check.)
> ./configure -cuda gnu
> Obtaining the gnu compiler suite versions, e.g.:
> gcc -v
What gcc compiler are you using? What is the result of typing "which
gcc"? of typing "gcc -v". If your gcc is /usr/bin/gcc, you are actually
using the clang compiler.
> While ‘ ./configure -clang ‘ gives me the following error:
Is the above a typo? Can you confirm the exact command you used?
I'd recommend installing gnu compilers from a distribution like
macports. But that doesn't explain the messages you are getting. We
need the information requested above to be of much help.
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Received on Mon Apr 16 2018 - 18:00:02 PDT