Dear Amber Users
I am trying to convert psf file (which includes water and ions) to convert
to prmtop file to have same number of atoms in amber topology as in psf
file. I tried the following command in parmed
*chamber -top parm99bs0_all.rtf -param par_all36_prot.prm -psf ionized.psf
-crd ionized.pdb*
* -p protein1.prmtop -inpcrd protein1.inpcrd -cmap -verbose*
It gave me error saying
*Action chamber failed*
* UnhandledArgumentWarning: -p protein1.prmtop -inpcrd protein1.inpcrd
-cmap -verbose*
Isn't protein1.prmtop and protein1.inpcrd are output files.
Could you suggest any way to convert psf file to amber prmtop file.
Many thanks.
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Received on Mon Apr 16 2018 - 17:30:02 PDT