Hi Adam,
All the 8 GPU boxes are dual socket and you ideally need to populate both sockets. Some of the Supermicro motherboards have PCIe topology that implies one maybe able to only populate one of the sockets but I have not tested if that configuration actually works with only one socket populated. I would suggest 2 x E5-2620V4.
To put 8 GPUs in a box you need a server motherboard that is specifically designed to support that. There are only a few options. I would not attempt to build one of these machines myself since everything is custom. These boxes also need 220V power since they require at least 2.5KW. They also need properly ducted cooling to adequately cool 8 GPUs all at full load. Email me directly if you want some vendor recommendations that can quote these machines.
All the best
> On Dec 4, 2017, at 1:41 PM, Hadházi Ádám <hadadam.gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Amber Users,
> We are about to buy a GPU workstation with 8 x nVidia GTX 1080 Ti.
> (We plan to run MD/TI simulations independently.)
> - Can you recommend a minimum CPU for this?
> - Do we need server motherboard/CPU to utilize the full power?
> - Do we need a dual CPU setup?
> - Is it necessary to have 16xPCI-e connection to each GPU?
> Thanks,
> Adam
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