[AMBER] Error: No module named parmed.scripts

From: Setyanto Md <stwahyudi.md.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2017 06:12:49 +0700

Dear Amber User and Developer,

I'am trying to follow tutorial in :

In step 3 : 3. Check the topology files:

I run : parmed -i 126_parmed.in -p Zn_4V2Y.prmtop

Unfortunately, there is error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/stwahyudi/software/instalasi-amber/amber16/bin/parmed", line
5, in <module>
    from parmed.scripts import clapp
ImportError: No module named parmed.scripts

I try to find solution and found Amber16 installation error thread by
Abhilash J, but it was about Installation.
My Amber 16 installation was oke.

And I also found: https://github.com/ParmEd/ParmEd/issues/181
But I don't understand.

I hope somebody can give me any suggestion.



Setyanto Tri Wahyudi
Dep.of Physics -
Bogor Agricultural University
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Received on Thu Nov 30 2017 - 15:30:02 PST
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