Dear Amber users,
I was following the tutorial and reference paper given in the AMBER
website. I have used the 1E67.pdb file I have performed all the steps given
in the tutorial. I have carried out the geometry optimization using
Gaussian, I could convert the chk file to fch file, I couldn't convert to
fchk, so I manually edited to fchk since fch was not recognizing by MCPB.
py. while performing * -i <> -s 2* I got an
error given below (italics)
*=Using the Seminario method to solve the problem.*
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/home/camp/Desktop/Amber14/amber14/bin/", line 587, in
* fcfchkf, fclogf, g0x, scalef, bondfc_avg, anglefc_avg)*
* File
line 650, in gene_by_QM_fitting_sem*
* fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_fchk(chkfname, 3*len(atids))*
* File "/home/camp/Desktop/Amber14/amber14/bin/msmtmol/", line
303, in get_matrix_from_fchk*
* raise pymsmtError('There is no \'Cartesian Force Constants\' found in
*pymsmtexp.pymsmtError: There is no 'Cartesian Force Constants' found in
the fchk file. Please check whether the Gaussian jobs are finished
normally, and whether you are using the correct fchk file.*
I am humbly requesting your help to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance
Shilpa T
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 06 2017 - 21:30:03 PST