[AMBER] Error after using Parmed: A residue defined as "fast 3-point water"...

From: David Sáez <davidsaez.udec.cl>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 20:07:32 -0300

Hello, I am working on a system involving a protein and a small ligand
defined in the Charmm Force field.

With PSFGEN (psfscript.psf) I generated psf and pdb files of my system.
Next, with VMD > Solvate I added water molecules and generated new psf

 After that I used Parmed (in Amber16) to generate prmtop and inpcrd files.

But, when I run a minimization with these inpcrd and prmtop, I get the
following error:

 "Error: A residue defined as a "fast 3-point water"
        is not defined by a triangle of three bonds.
        Residue 892 contains 2 bonds."

I attach the prmtop:

Thanks in advance.


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Received on Thu Sep 07 2017 - 16:30:02 PDT
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