Dear Amber users
I am running implicit solvation simulation, and now wanna heat up the system. But I get the following error:
At line 551 of file mdin_ctrl_dat.F90 (unit = 5, file = 'heat.mdin')
This is my input file(heat.mdin):
imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1,
nstlim=300000, dt=0.002,
ntc=2, ntf=2, ioutfm=1, ig=-1,
ntt=3, gamma_ln=5.0,
tempi=100.0, temp0=300.0,
ntpr=100, ntwx=100, ntwr=100
ntb=0, igb=8, gbsa=1,
I think the input file looks fine but I cannot figure out what the error goes back to? In the mdout file it does not type any comment on the error, and it just shows the input parameters. Also the parameter file is attached.
I would appreciate if you help me figure this out
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Received on Sat May 13 2017 - 05:30:03 PDT