[AMBER] AmberTools17 + intel17 = bug

From: Hector A. Baldoni <hbaldoni.unsl.edu.ar>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 20:02:39 -0300 (ARGSL-ST)

Dear Sirs,

I was trying to compile the AmberTools17 whith the Intel(R) Parallel
Studio XE Cluster Edution for Linux, Version Build 20170404
compiler, however in such compiler the -openmpi option is deprecated and
replaced by “–qopenmp” and the compiler complains with the following

./configure -noX11 -qopenmp -intelmpi intel
Checking for updates...
Checking for available patches online. This may take a few seconds...
Available AmberTools 17 patches:
No patches available
Available Amber 16 patches:
No patches available
Error: Unknown or misplaced flag: -qopenmp
       Usage: ./configure [flags] compiler
       Type './configure -help' for more details.
Configure failed due to the errors above!

Would you please add an appropriated bug fix to circumvent such error.

Best Regards,

 Dr. Hector A. Baldoni
 Profesor Adjunto (FQByF-UNSL)
 Investigador Adjunto (IMASL-CONICET)
 Area de Quimica General e Inorganica
 Universidad Nacional de San Luis
 Chacabuco 917 (D5700BWS)
 San Luis - Argentina
 hbaldoni at unsl dot edu dot ar
 Tel.:+54-(0)266-4520300 ext. 6157
-.First thinghs first, but not necesarily in that order.-

-.The theoretical approach these days can predict/show almost anything,
but the ultimate truth lies in the experiment.-

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Received on Tue Apr 18 2017 - 16:30:02 PDT
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