Re: [AMBER] Problem with keyboard in xleap

From: David Case <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 11:40:36 -0400

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017, Miguel Garavís wrote:
> I mean the viewer that xleap displays when you type in the console the
> command "edit q". A window opens where you can visualize the structure of
> the unit. There you can for instance select atoms, erase or draw bonds etc.
> For some of this things it is necessary to use the keyboard, for example to
> deselect (shift + right click) or to edit selected atoms, where you can
> define a given atom as aromatic (ha) etc. I cannot do those things as it
> ignores the keyboard. I normally use a mac keyboard which I know it works
> as it does in xleap installed in the computer of my labmate.

I can confirm the above on my MacBook Pro. One cannot deselect atoms, or
when "edit selected atoms" is chosen, the keyboard cannot be used to change
anything in the spreadsheet.

Works OK on the same MacBookPro in an Ubuntu virtual machine using VirtualBox.

This could be nasty to debug, since (I'm guessing here) the Amber code
hasn't changed in forever (probably twenty years?) but the XQuartz
X-server has diverged a lot from older Xorg/X11 distributions. This is
probably a bug in our code that is now exposed in the newer XServer.

Maybe others on the list who have access to Mac or Linux boxes could see
what is happening and report.

(Note that de-select is shift + lef click, not shift + right click.)

Thanks for the report....dac

AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 22 2017 - 09:00:02 PDT
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