Re: [AMBER] antechamber: why the net charge does not sum up to zero?

From: FyD <>
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2017 19:25:07 +0100

Quoting Huang Jing <>:

> One immature way is to add -0.001 e to any atom of .mol2 file and then the
> net charge is zero, if you are disgusted at this non-integral net charge. I
> believe the physical/chemical/biological picture would not be changed with
> -0.001 net charge;

Yes, who cares? ;-) that being said - an error of +/- 0.001 i.e. +/-
0.0010 for a charge accuracy of 1.10-4 (i.e. 0.0001) is _not_ normal
[but particular cases - for instance C(Me)4 i.e. because of chemical
equivalencing] and 'might' reflect something 'wrong' in the charge fit
procedure. For sure we have spent 'some time' on such a problem [even
for C(Me)4], and PyRED
( does/should_?
handle that... But once again this was already reported/discussed in
the Amber mailing list.

regards, Francois

> On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 8:33 PM, FyD <> wrote:
>> Dear Azade,
>> > I have a problem similar to here <
>> all/2855.html>.
>> > Unfortunately, I did not find an answer to that inquiry.
>> >
>> > I am using antechamber on a pdb file to create the mol2 file.
>> >
>> > The molecule should be charge neutral and I am using ‘-c bcc –nc 0’
>> flags.
>> > However, the sum of the charges in the output.mol2 generated by
>> antechamber
>> > is not 0.0.
>> >
>> > I also tried ‘-ek maxcyc=0’ flag on several initial.pdb files (point 7,
>> > P.277 of the manual) which all of them lead to a non-zero net charge. The
>> > smallest net charge which I can get is 0.001.
>> >
>> > My question is whether or not this net charge is small enough so I can
>> work
>> > with it or is there is another trick which I can use?
>> If one uses/selects a charge accuracy at 1.10-4 one should get 0.0000
>> as a total charge for a neutral molecule (this is quite basic).
>> If one uses a charge accuracy at 1.10-3 one should get 0.000 as a
>> total charge for a neutral molecule.
>> The problem is not to get 0.001 for a charge accuracy of 0.000 (this
>> error is acceptable); the problem is to get 0.0010 for a charge
>> accuracy of 0.0000: here there is something wrong (because of charge
>> equivalencing?)
>> The problem you underlined was reported mannnny times for antechamber,
>> and was corrected - not corrected?
>> If you use PyRED at RED Server Dev.
>> this problem is
>> fully handled for whole molecules _and_ molecular fragments whatever
>> is the selected charge accuracy (1.10-4 is the default).
>> regards, Francois

           F.-Y. Dupradeau

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Received on Sun Jan 08 2017 - 10:30:02 PST
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