[AMBER] How to read mdinfo file without crashing the simulation?

From: Karolina Markowska <markowska.kar.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 11:01:03 +0200

Dear Amber Users,

I have a strange problem. I'm running different aMD simulations tests and I
want to compare the timings. I know I can find that kind of informations in
the mdinfo file, but here comes the problem: several times when I opened
mdinfo file (using just "cat mdinfo"), the simulation crashed and I've got
an error:
At line 810 of file runfiles.F90 (unit = 7, file = 'mdinfo')
Fortran runtime error: Resource temporarily unavailable
Is that a bug?
Is there a way to look into mdinfo during simulation without any risk that
the simulation will crash?

Looking forward to some advices!
Best regards
Karolina Markowska
PhD student
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 21 2016 - 02:30:03 PDT
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