[AMBER] Conversion of CHARMM-GUI generated file into Lipid14 readable file

From: Shreeramesh <shreeramesh.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2016 05:01:04 -0700

Dear Sir,

I have to run MD for lipid bilayer composed of DOPC. I built a model
structure in CHARMM-GUI and I want to convert the CHARMM-GUI formatted .pdb
file into Lipid14 formatted .pdb file for the purpose of running tleap

I use the following script (
http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial16/ for the conversion and
was unsuccessful. I attached (i) the CHARMM-GUI generated structure
(rec.pdb) and (ii) tleap script (tleap.all) in attachment

Please kindly help me to convert the CHARMM-GUI generated structure
into Lipid14
formatted .pdb file

Thanks & regards

*Dr. Ramesh M*
Email: shreeramesh.gmail.com
Mobile: (91) + 9646469938 (27) + (0) 844556164

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Received on Fri Apr 15 2016 - 05:30:03 PDT
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