[AMBER] turning of non-bonded interactions with addExclusions

From: Batuhan Kav <bkav13.ku.edu.tr>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 11:42:30 +0200

Dear All,

I have a system with two carbohydrate molecules, each consists of four
residues. I basically want to turn off all the non bonded interactions
between these two molecules. For that, I use parmed with the following
command (after loading the original prmtop file)

addExclusions :1-4 :5-8
outparm new.prmtop

Then, I run a minimization with ntb=0 for both modified and unmodified
prmtop files. For both cases, in the mdout file I get exactly the same
energies, and the same total and local size of non-bond list (which is
10042). Non-bonded cutoff in minimization is 999A, so I was expecting to
have different energies. Apparently I am doing something wrong but not
sure what.

I am using AmberTools14. I also attach the prmtop files, if they might help.


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Received on Mon Apr 04 2016 - 03:00:03 PDT
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