Since there has been little discussion of the upcoming release of Amber
(which is great news for Maxwell cards' fans), I was wondering if there is
any chance you could add support for Orca file format to be used with
Antechamber and generate resp charges. Not sure if this is possible..
For reasons, gaussian wont work for me and gamess has some issues but Orca
it does work. Not great scalability, but it is easy, free and has a lot of
different basis sets and methods.
OR, any alternatives?
Thank you in advance,
Sofia V.
Dr. Sofia Vasilakaki
Affiliated with National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens
Chemistry Department, Division of Organic Chemistry
LinkedIn URL: gr.linkedin.com/in/SofiaVasilakaki
www.monster.co.uk URL: beknown.com/Sofia_Vasilakaki
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Received on Thu Nov 12 2015 - 11:00:05 PST