Re: [AMBER] amber tools 15 upgrade problem

From: Kenneth Huang <>
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 11:12:41 -0400


The immediate workaround is to download the new AmberTools directly from
the site, then unpack it and compile it. I ran into the same problem
(likely because I made modifications), but reinstalling it works just fine.



On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Michael Shokhen <>

> Dear List members,
> I have received today email with
> amber tools 15 upgrade.
> I have already at my ubuntu linux workstation Amber tools 14,
> so I used the upgrade variant.
> Unfortunately I have faced the installation problem (see below a copy
> from terminal).
> I would appreciate your advise how to resolve it.
> Thank you,
> Michael
> shokhen.shokhen-lnx:~$ cd $AMBERHOME
> shokhen.shokhen-lnx:~/amber14$ ./update_amber --upgrade
> You are about to perform a major upgrade. This is NOT reversible.
> Do you wish to continue? (y/N) y
> Downloading updates for AmberTools 14
> Downloading AmberTools 14/update.24 (1.59 KB)
> Applying AmberTools 14/update.24
> Downloading AmberTools 14/update.25 (8.85 KB)
> Applying AmberTools 14/update.25
> Downloading AmberTools 14/update.26 (2.17 KB)
> Applying AmberTools 14/update.26
> Downloading AmberTools 14/update.27 (2.31 KB)
> Applying AmberTools 14/update.27
> has found a patch to itself... I am quitting now so
> future updates will apply with the fixed script.
> Run this script again to get all updates.
> shokhen.shokhen-lnx:~/amber14$ cd $AMBERHOME
> shokhen.shokhen-lnx:~/amber14$ ./update_amber --upgrade
> You are about to perform a major upgrade. This is NOT reversible.
> Do you wish to continue? (y/N) y
> Downloading updates for Amber 14
> Downloading Amber 14/update.11 (6.88 KB)
> Applying Amber 14/update.11
> If the upgrade attempt fails, or you have made any custom changes
> to the AmberTools source code, please download the AmberTools15
> tarball from
> NOTE: This upgrade cannot be reversed!
> Downloading upgrade.patch.bz2 (24.58 MB)
> Downloading: [::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] 100.0%
> Done.
> Attempting the upgrade. Please wait...
> Upgrade patch failed. Upgrade not performed.
> shokhen.shokhen-lnx:~/amber14$
> *****************************
> Michael Shokhen, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Department of Chemistry
> Bar Ilan University,
> Ramat Gan, 52900
> Israel
> email:
> email:
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Received on Mon May 04 2015 - 08:30:04 PDT
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