Re: [AMBER] ligand-solvent interaction energy

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 08:34:15 -0400

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 5:23 AM, Hannes Loeffler <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm interested in getting the ligand-solvent interaction energy from a
> periodic, explicit solvent simulation. I know I can use the
> subtraction method using sander -y and imin=5 and recruiting cpptraj
> with strip/parmstrip to do the same for the parts (solvent and ligand).
> I would like to get this energy through the direct method, i.e. by
> computing the non-bonded energies between ligand and solvent directly.
> It looks like this is possible through sanders LIE facility and this
> also seems to be supported with imin=5.

This can't really be done with PME, since part of the electrostatic isn't
done directly. The best you can hope to do is the 3-step method you
described using sander's imin=5 and cpptraj parmstrip/strip.

cpptraj's "lie" action does a direct calculation, but it uses an energy
shifting function to solve energy discontinuities at the cutoff. sander's
LRT functionality does 3 PME calculations each time LRT energies are
requested -- one with the solvent charges 0, one with the solute charges 0,
and the full electrostatics; the EEL energy is full-solvent0-solute0. The
vdW energy is computed directly. Of course this has the benefit of *not*
requiring 3 trajectories and prmtops and 3 sander simulations, but it's
still doing the same amount of calculation.

I get a final result in the last two lines of the output
> Final LIE Evaluation:
> Evals: 10 E(LRT): -3.26 RMS 1.29 E(Disp): -9.96 RMS
> 1.00 SASA: 247.52 RMS 1.58
> I assume E(LRT) is EE (actually 0.5 of the interaction EEL) and E(Disp)
> is VWD?


> I am only interested in the average energy. Judging from an
> old email in the archive
> this result is for full PME and long-range corrections so I would
> expect this to be directly comparable to the subtraction method.

​I have the same expectation. Though I've never verified myself. A quick
glance at the code is enough to convince me that the EEL energy is
correct. I can't say the same about the vdW, though (but just because I
haven't dug through the code deep enough). You can always test a couple
frames with cpptraj's LIE, since the vdW part should be done equivalently
in both sander and cpptraj (i.e., it is computed directly).

All the best,

Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 17 2015 - 06:00:03 PDT
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