You could also try cpptraj and use the strip command and select by
element to remove all hydrogen atoms, using e.g. the following input:
parm pdbname
trajin pdbname
strip ./H
trajout noH.pdb
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 12:35 AM, muhammad tahir ayub
<tahirgp0.gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All
> While editing the pdb we need to delete the hydrogens, I have
> used the following commands but all the hydrogens were not deleted
> reduce -trim pdbnameH > pdbname
> *awk '$1=="ATOM" && substr($3,1,1)!="H"' input.pdb > output.pdb*
> *what can i do for the deletion of all Hydrogen atoms from the pdb
> filekindly help me in this regard*
> *Thanks in advance*
> *Muhammad Tahir*
> *Ayub*
> *Junior Research Fellow*
> *H.E.J Research Institute of Chemistry*
> *International Centre for chemical and Biological Sciences*
> *University of Karachi, Pakistan*
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