[AMBER] Calculating Cp values from NPT simulations using ptraj

From: Vivek Shankar Bharadwaj <vbharadw.mymail.mines.edu>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 15:42:13 -0600

Hi Amber Users,

I am calculating heat capacities at constant pressure for some ester

My input file looks like this:

*trajin ../mdcrd_298matrix mwcovar name mxcvmat :650analyze matrix mxcvmat
I get an out put that looks like this:

* ******************* -
Thermochemistry - ******************* temperature
298.150 kelvin pressure 1.00000 atm molecular mass (principal
isotopes) 296.47800 amu principal moments of inertia (nuclei only) in
amu-A**2: 718.47 8584.20 9048.46 rotational symmetry
number 1. Warning-- assumption of classical behavior for
rotation may cause significant error rotational temperatures
(kelvin) 0.03376 0.00283 0.00268 zero point vibrational
energy 1531620.7 (joules/mol) 365.82657
(kcal/mol) 0.5833521
(hartree/particle) Warning-- 66 vibrations have low frequencies and may
represent hindered internal rotations. The contributions printed
below assume that these really are vibrations.
freq. E Cv S cm**-1
kcal/mol cal/mol-kelvin
394.779 142.533 308.356*
I had a couple of questions regarding the output.

1. The output file refers the heat capacity at constant volume (Cv). So if
the trajectory analyzed was a NPT simulation, Is it safe to interpret this
value as the heat cap. at const. Pressure (Cp) ?

2. Is there anyway to specify the temperature at which the heat capacities
are evaluated? The output file states temp=298.15. Is there any way to
specify a different temperature if the simulations were conducted at that

3. Also, My simulation box has 650 molecules, and I noticed that the Cv
values are come out to be reasonable values only if I run this analysis for
1 of those molecules, else it returns NaNs. What might cause this?

Any help regarding this would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Vivek S. Bharadwaj
PhD Candidate
Department of Chemical and Biological Engg.
Colorado School of Mines
Golden Colorado
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Received on Tue Apr 14 2015 - 15:00:02 PDT
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