Re: [AMBER] a question for hydrocarbons simulation using amber FF

From: <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 10:50:24 +0000

I'm not sure why you keep reposting your question but your best bet is probably to ask this on the LAMMPS mailing list.
From: Nahid Khiabani []
Sent: 12 April 2015 11:33
Subject: [AMBER] a question for hydrocarbons simulation using amber FF

Dear all

Hope you are fine.

I am using amber FF according to this paper
( also
( to simulate a system
including some alkane molecules such as hexane. I am using LAMMPS package
to do the simulation.

To define an alkane molecule such as hexane I have defined its bonds,
angles and dihedrales according to the 2 versions of amber forcefield. For
non-bonded interactions I also have defined LJ and Columbic pair

I am wondering if I also need to consider
special_bonds( for this
type of molecules?

Thanks a lot for your attention,
Best Regards,

Thanks a lot for your attention,
Best Regards,
AMBER mailing list
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Apr 12 2015 - 04:00:03 PDT
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