[AMBER] Pressure units in 1D-RISM

From: Maksim Mišin <mishin1991.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 15:27:00 +0100

Dear RISM developers,

I believe there is a mistake in the units of bulk solvent pressure and
compressibility reported by the latest version of rism1d program. Here is
the part of the output for the bulk water calculation with the earlier
version of the program:

#Global properties
#Description Variable Units
Compressibility xi [10e-4/MPa]
Pressure_(Free_Energy) Pfe [MPa]

The newest version of rism1d, included in AmberTools 14, outputs the

#Global properties
#Description Variable Units
Compressibility xi [1/kPa]
Pressure_(Free_Energy) Pfe [kPa]

The values are exactly the same, but MPa were changed to kPa.

The code responsible for pressure and compressibility computations is the
same in both versions. Additionally, the line that converts pressure from
what I believe to be kT/A^3 to MPa is the following in both versions:

pressureFE*1.d24 * boltzmann*rism%pot%temperature

If I understand correctly 1.d24 comes from the 1.d30 A^3/m^3 * 1.d-6
Then, to get kPa this coefficient should be 1.d27.

I would appreciate if you can clarify this issue for me.

Thank you,
Maksim Mišin
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 31 2015 - 07:30:03 PDT
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