[AMBER] Projection on modes calculated by distcovar matrix

From: Vishal Kumar Jaiswal <vishal3990.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 11:53:00 +0200

Dear Amber users,

I am unable to project my trajectory on modes calculated by distcovar
matrix using cpptraj (Amber tools 14)

I calculate the modes by:
trajin ../stacked_align.cdf
trajin ../unstacked_align.cdf

matrix distcovar name covmat_full out covmat-dist_full.dat :1.6-27
analyze matrix covmat_full out evecs-dist-full.dat vecs 20

I then try to project by:

trajin ../stacked_align.cdf
trajin ../unstacked_align.cdf

projection p1 modes evecs-full.dat out pca-full beg 1 end 5 :1.6-27
hist p1:1 step 0.1 out pca1.agr norm
hist p1:2 step 0.1 out pca2.agr norm

This is how it proceeds :

INPUT: Reading Input from file proj.ptrj
  [trajin ../stacked_align.cdf]
    Reading '../stacked_align.cdf' as Amber NetCDF
  [trajin ../unstacked_align.cdf]
    Reading '../unstacked_align.cdf' as Amber NetCDF
  [projection p1 modes evecs-full.dat out pca-full beg 1 end 5 :1.6-27
    Reading modes from evecs-full.dat
    File contains 20 modes.
Warning: # modes to read (50) > modes in file. Only reading 20 modes.
*Error*: evecs type is not COVAR, MWCOVAR, DIHCOVAR, or IDEA.
*Error*: Could not initialize action [projection]
    1 errors encountered reading input.
TIME: Total execution time: 0.0035 seconds.

The projection goes fine for coordinate covariance matrix with the same
input methods , but fails for distance covariance method.

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Received on Sun Mar 29 2015 - 03:00:02 PDT
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