I have tried so many ways to get the shell script that is in the "An Amber Lipid Force Field Tutorial:Lipid14 Edition"
I am running amber on a MacBook Air, OSX Yosemite. I have convreted the shell script to the Unix format. However, when I run the script, I get the following:
./vmd_box_dims_zap_OS.sh -i amber_tut_DOPC.pdb -s water./vmd_box_dims_zap_OS.sh: line 41: vmd: command not found(standard_in) 2: parse error(standard_in) 2: parse error(standard_in) 2: parse error
Can anyone tell me what to do to get this to work? It would seem that I need to set up VMD so it is in my path? If so, which component? VMD is an app on my Mac so I don't know how to deal with this.
Thanks for any advice.
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Received on Thu Feb 26 2015 - 10:00:04 PST