On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 8:24 AM, David A Case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015, Shreeramesh wrote:
> >
> > I attached the "lig.mol2: file which contains two chlorine atom. While
> > running tleap "lig.mol2" was combined with another ligand "lig2.mol2".
> The mol2 files you have use Tripos atom types, which will not be known to
> Amber. Actually, I can't figure out how the tleap script you attached
> could
> possibly have worked. (Maybe there is lots of stuff in the lig.frcmod file
> that I am not expecting).
> (One wild guess: the tleap script refers to LIG.mol2, whereas the file you
> attached to your email was named lig.mol2. Did you attach the wrong files?
> Try to construct a minimal example [just one ligand, one operation] that
> illustrates the problem.)
In the OP's defense, if he is using Mac OS X, his filesystem is likely
case-insensitive, so this should work. But it wouldn't be portable
> (Developers: we should try to detect Tripos atoms types upon loading a mol2
> file in tleap, and output an approriate warning message to the user.)
What would we do with said atom types? Can you clarify what problem this
is causing?
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 20 2015 - 06:00:04 PST