> On Feb 17, 2015, at 3:09 PM, Marek Maly <marek.maly.ujep.cz> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> thanks for your advice regarding mmpbsa_entropy.nab modification, I am
> going immediately
> to test it and will report the result here when test done.
> But I have to say that in perl version the calculation took (after the
> initial minimization)
> the very similar memory (i.e. cca 23-24GB) as in the case of the python
> version.
According to the comment header in dsyevd.f, the working space required is 1+6N+2N^2 while for dsyev it seems to be 3N (in addition to the N^2 for the actual matrix itself). So dsyevd seems to require over 3 times the memory required by dsyev...
> It is possible that in some moment the memory requirements are even higher
> (the moment
> of the Hessian diagonalization process) but could it be higher than 130GB
> (for 12k atoms system) ?
It doesn’t seem like it should be larger than 130 GB, but I haven’t looked closely enough at the code to be sure.
But what I *think* happened is that the working vector failed to allocate. It was probably asking for too much memory, so the allocation failed and spit back an error that crashed the application. Since the program couldn’t allocate all of the memory, it didn’t allocate *any* of the working space. Which could explain why the memory usage didn’t shoot up to “full” before crashing.
> Another thing is that, as I already wrote you, I monitored used memory
> with 1 second step using
> "sar" function from sysstat.x86_64 package and there no extra RAM
> requirements were apparent
> during the python version of the calculation (the perl one I did not
> monitored yet).
> Just level cca 700MB (minimization) then 24GB(nmode analysis - for cca 11
> hours) then crash.
> Regarding differences between python and perl versions considering my
> small testing molecular system,
> the all available "mm_options" I already listed at the end of my previous
> email together
> with settings and results, so here they are again and if you see here
> anything suspicious
> please let me know.
> ***********MMPBSA.py.MPI settings records from _MMPBSA_complex_nm.out.0
> ***********MMPBSA.py.MPI settings records from _MMPBSA_complex_nm.out.0
> ***********MMPBSA.py.MPI settings records from _MMPBSA_complex_nm.out.0
> Parameter topology includes 10-12 terms:
> These are assumed to be zero here (e.g. from TIP3P water)
> mm_options: ntpr=10000
> mm_options: diel=C
> mm_options: kappa=0.000000
> mm_options: cut=1000
> mm_options: gb=1
> mm_options: dielc=1.000000
> mm_options: temp0=298.150000
> *******mm_pbsa.pl settings records from nmode_com.1.out
> *******mm_pbsa.pl settings records from nmode_com.1.out
> *******mm_pbsa.pl settings records from nmode_com.1.out
> *******mm_pbsa.pl settings records from nmode_com.1.out
> mm_options: ntpr=50
> mm_options: nsnb=999999
> mm_options: cut=999.
> mm_options: diel=C
> mm_options: gb=1
> mm_options: rgbmax=999.
> mm_options: gbsa=1
> mm_options: surften=0.0072
> mm_options: epsext=78.3
> mm_options: kappa=0
> BTW you spoke about the GB influence here but I did also test (which I did
> not mention before) with nmode_igb=IGB=0 i.e. using (Distance-dependent)
> dielectric constant
> and there was really huge difference in results but now I checked
> mm_options also here
> and it is clear the source of this problem: "
> python version : "mm_options: dielc=1.000000"
> perl version : "mm_options: dielc=4"
> So from some reason python and perl versions have here quite different
> defaults for the
> dielc parameter.
dielc should be 1, the perl version is wrong here (this should never be !=1 for GB). From the NAB user’s manual describing the “dielc” variable:
This is the dielectric constant used for non-GB simulations. It is implemented in routine mme_init() by scaling all of the charges by sqrt(dielc). This means that you need to set this (if desired) in mm_options() before calling mme_init().
So what is happening here is that all of the charges are being (inappropriately) scaled before the normal modes are calculated.
Thanks for the report,
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Received on Tue Feb 17 2015 - 13:30:07 PST