Re: [AMBER] memory issue in mmpbsa_py_nabnmode

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:17:35 -0500

> On Feb 17, 2015, at 10:30 AM, Marek Maly <> wrote:
> Hello,
> #1
> I succeeded to solve my problem with entropy analysis of my big system
> (see below) using "obsolete" (PROC = 1 i.e. using NAB
> implementation of nmode - mm_pbsa_nabnmode)
> ( no chance with PROC = 2, i.e. "original" nmode implementation)
> This means that the problem with or just which I
> described sooner (see below) is connected with i) Python "skeleton" or ii)
> the problem might be in "mmpbsa_py_nabnmode" if
> there are some bigger differences comparing to "mm_pbsa_nabnmode".
> Based on my experiences/tests I assume that i) is true.

Actually it’s almost definitely not i). and are glorified scripts that basically organize the various tasks that need to be done, call external programs, and parse the results.

There is only one *real* functional difference between and’s nmode NAB programs. uses dsyevd to diagonalize the Hessian (which is faster, but takes quite a bit more memory), and uses dsyev (which is slower, but takes quite a bit less memory).

This is almost certainly why works for your large system and does not. If you want, you can modify inside $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/src/mmpbsa_py and change the line:

        nmode(xyz, 3*natm, mme2, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0); //calc entropy

        nmode(xyz, 3*natm, mme2, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0); //calc entropy

(note the 1-->0 change). I *suspect* that will make things work (given that works). I will look more into the scratch memory requirements of dsyevd vs. dsyev and see if I can make a smarter default that will use the faster routine only when there is enough memory.

> #2
> The problem is that (PROC = 1 i.e. using NAB implementation of
> nmode - mm_pbsa_nabnmode)
> provides different results (significantly different !) than
> or just as I tested on my small "testing" molecular system (just
> one single fraim) in spite the fact that I set the same input parameters
> in both cases (please see below).
> I would be grateful for any useful suggestions what to change/add in

Ideally you can just change the script in as shown above and have that *just work*.

> settings/(input file) to obtain similar results from both mmpbsa routines.
> I hope it is just
> the problem of some different defaults in additional parameters and that
> for the
> same input both NAB routines ("mmpbsa_py_nabnmode", "mm_pbsa_nabnmode")
> have to
> return very similar output.

I agree that they should give similar output. In the early days when was first written, it was compared carefully to to make sure that it gave comparable results with very similar (if not identical) defaults. However, mmpbsa_py_nabnmode and mm_pbsa_nabnmode were both written well after that comparison was done (and in fact, I think mmpbsa_py_nabnmode was written shortly before the perl version was).

Since mmpbsa_py_nabnmode was written first, it wasn’t compared against the GB-enabled version of the perl nab program. The key to identifying the source of the differences between the two scripts will be in the NAB output of the two scripts. You should compare those and make sure that the mm_options are being set the same in both cases and that the overall minimization is similar (in addition to the first few eigenvectors and eigenvalues).

Hope this helps,

Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Received on Tue Feb 17 2015 - 10:30:02 PST
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