[AMBER] charmmlipid2amber.x

From: Chris Chris <alpharecept.yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 03:28:15 +0000 (UTC)

I'm on Blacklight.psc using Amber 12. I am going through the lipid membrane tutorial, made my lipid bi-layer in the CHARMM GUI and put the files onto blacklight.
Here's the problem:
cgaughan.tg-login1:~> charmmlipid2amber.x  DOPC_pymol.pdb  DOPC_128.pdb               charmmlipid2amber.x              Charmm Lipid Builder to AMBER Lipid 11 Convertor------------------------------------------------                                                                    v1.1                                             by                                        Ross Walker (SDSC)                              Age Skjevik (UiB)                               Ben Madej (UCSD, SDSC)                                                           ------------------------------------------------ Input PDB file: DOPC_pymol.pdbOutput PDB file: DOPC_128.pdb  *** STAGE 1 : STRIP REMARKS AND END STATEMENTS ***   *** STAGE 2 : STRIP AND SAVE WATER ***   Currently supported water: TIP3  Found TIP3 Water  *** STAGE 3 : STRIP AND SAVE IONS ***   Currently supported ions: CLA, POT, SOD  Found Chlorine Ions Found Potassium Ions Ions were found.  *** STAGE 4 : STRIP INDIVIDUAL LIPIDS TO SEPARATE FILES ***   Currently supported lipids: DPPC DPPE DPPS DPPG DPPA                             DOPC DOPE DOPS DOPG DOPA                             POPC POPE POPS POPG POPA                             CHL1   No protein atoms detected in input pdb file.  ERROR - No supported lipids found in pdb file.

So the system administrator installed the bugfix update.1: charmmlipid2amber.py:
I see that is for version 14, so I think she installed AmberTools 14 but I am using amber 12. Is that the problem?
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