[AMBER] Issue during mmgbsa decomposition

From: James Starlight <jmsstarlight.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 13:26:49 +0100

Dear Amber Users!

I've faced with the problem during the residue decomposition calculations
during the MMGBSA run. Here is my input made in accordance with the


startframe= 1, interval=50, keep_files=2, strip_mask=:WAT:Cl-:NA+:K+:PPC,



igb=5, saltcon=0.150,



nmstartframe=1, nminterval=1, maxcyc=10000, nmode_igb=1, nmode_istrng=0.15,



idecomp=1, print_res="1-289"


In general I've obtained good values for dG including both enthalpy and
entropy terms. However decomposition output.dat file consisted of only:

| Run on Mon Feb 2 10:43:49 2015

| GB non-polar solvation energies calculated with gbsa=2

and what I've found in the progress.log

DecompError: Mismatch in number of decomp terms!

Error occured on rank 0.

Exiting. All files have been retained.

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0

What should I fix here to run it correctly?

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Received on Mon Feb 02 2015 - 04:30:03 PST
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