[AMBER] reparametrize water molecule near metal site

From: Jorgen Simonsen <jorgen589.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 11:21:58 -0800

Hi all,

I am trying to change a water molecule near a metal site to include a vdw
term of the hydrogens if I just keep it as a tip3 the hydrogens get to
close to the metal site.

When I look in the parameter file (parm94.dat ) I see that there is a flag

HW OW 0000. 0000. 4. flag for fast

which is for TIP3. If I just rename the residue type and change the charge
according to some QM computation I get an error that this flags is not
specified for my new residue type.

If I have copied the TIP3 parameters and change the parameters

HW -> H


OW -> OH

would that flag be ignored or is it somewhere in the library file for TIP3
- solvents.lib:

!entry.TP3.unit.atoms table str name str type int typex int resx int
flags int seq int e

lmnt dbl chg

 "O" "OW" 0 1 131072 1 8 -0.834000

 "H1" "HW" 0 1 131072 2 1 0.417000

 "H2" "HW" 0 1 131072 3 1 0.417000

!entry.TP3.unit.atomspertinfo table str pname str ptype int ptypex int
pelmnt dbl pchg

 "O" "OW" 0 -1 0.0

 "H1" "HW" 0 -1 0.0

 "H2" "HW" 0 -1 0.0

!entry.TP3.unit.boundbox array dbl






!entry.TP3.unit.childsequence single int


!entry.TP3.unit.connect array int



!entry.TP3.unit.connectivity table int atom1x int atom2x int flags

 2 1 1

 2 3 1

 3 1 1

!entry.TP3.unit.hierarchy table str abovetype int abovex str belowtype
int belowx

 "U" 0 "R" 1

 "R" 1 "A" 1

 "R" 1 "A" 2

 "R" 1 "A" 3

!entry.TP3.unit.name single str


!entry.TP3.unit.positions table dbl x dbl y dbl z

 0.0 0.0 0.0

 0.957200 0.0 0.0

 -0.239988 0.926627 0.0

!entry.TP3.unit.residueconnect table int c1x int c2x int c3x int c4x
int c5x int c6x

 0 0 0 0 0 0

!entry.TP3.unit.residues table str name int seq int childseq int
startatomx str restype int imagingx

 "WAT" 1 4 1 "w" 1

!entry.TP3.unit.residuesPdbSequenceNumber array int


!entry.TP3.unit.solventcap array dbl






!entry.TP3.unit.velocities table dbl x dbl y dbl z

 0.0 0.0 0.0

 0.0 0.0 0.0

 0.0 0.0 0.0

I have add all the bonds to new.frcmod from TIP3 but still I have this

Thanks for any suggestions to correct this behavior.
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Received on Sun Feb 01 2015 - 11:30:02 PST
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